For those who have worked with me in the past, there is a time to work "ON" your business and a time to work "IN"
For some Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a requirement by law for those in regulated industries to maintain a licence to practice for example and is a requirement by many professional bodies for their members.
Who Needs CPD
.....Anyone who works within a sector that is formally regulated (e.g. by the Solicitors Regulation Authority or Financial Conduct Authority), is likely to be required to track and progress their CPD in order to maintain their license to practice or professional qualifications. Regulatory bodies are established to ensure that the public receives services of the required standard, so CPD is taken very seriously...... (Excerpt courtesy of the CPD Standards Office)
Whilst many aspects of your CPD will be self-study, attending conference and other self-driven learning, there will be an large element that will have to be professionally validated by an accredited registered provider, who will issue you points for the learning or development completed.
Accredited CPD Providers Being an accredited registered provider, meant that the training, coaching or development has been carried out by a body or person who has also be trained and evidenced by the accrediting body, to carry out that service to a high standard. This ensures consistency and therefore credibility to those points earned.
CPD with Bruce Coaching
As an Accredited CPD Coach, I am a qualified Business Coach, Personal Performance Coach and in addition have my own external skills and experience. Many of my clients have visions and goals for their business, but never seem to every get the time to work ON these. Often the only time they get to work on the business is when they are firefighting an issue or dealing with external factors which impact the day to day operation.
Now you can have Professional Accredited Business Coaching as part of your CPD requirements, to work on your vision and goal for your business and stakeholders.
I issue digital certificates for your convenience too.
